The Life sciences Department, has designed a Program under the name of “BIO-TRENDZ”, to create innovative thoughts and to do Biology oriented activities. Under this, we are invited students to join in this club on their own interest. The biotrendz club conducts poster presentation, PowerPoint presentation, quiz, mind mapping and project presentation etc. .The good thing about creating anstudent club is giving chance to students to learn new scientific topics with practical orientation and it is also a place for students to improve their competitive skills. In addition, it enhances ties of cooperation between students and teaching members.

Aims and objectives of a Bio-trendz club:

  • To create a strong penchant for new scientific topics with practical orientation.

  • To help the students in imbibing the habit of self-reliance, self-dependence and love for manual work

  • To provide opportunity for the development of the constructive, explorative & inventive faculties of the students.

  • To grate interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields and to get acquainted with the life hi
    story and contributions of great scientists.

  • To develop interest in scientific hobbies

  • To encourage individual and group activities.

  • To develop in students a sense of healthy competition

  • To stimulate active participation and initiative among students in the learning process.

  • To keep the students in touch with the recent advance in science

  • To give development of psychomotor skills

  • To inculcate scientific attitude and provide opportunities for training in scientific method

Activities- 2023-24

1I,II Year Events - Click Here

Activities- 2022-23

1I,II Year Events - Click Here
1I,II,III Year Events - Click Here

Activities- 2021-22

S.No.YearRegistered StudentsEvents
1I,II,III Year Registered Students - Click HereEvents - Click Here

Activities- 2019-20

S.No.YearRegistered StudentsEvents
1I,II,III Year Registered Students - Click HereEvents - Click Here