The College Library known a``Treasure of knowledge'' is located at the ground floor. The Library is quiet and clean atmosphere. The library is well furnished with wooden carrel and reading tables with separate lighting system and comfortable chairs, journal , new arrival display racks and separate circulation counter.
E-Resources, E- Journals, E-Books, and Bibliographic are available through N-LIST (National Library and information services infrastructure for scholarly content ), of INFLIBNET centre.
User orientation and information of literacy programmes are conducted to students regarding activities and services of library. The library is fully computerized by the library management software "D-CAP"(Degree college automation package) to achieve the accuracy and speed up the transactions.
There is a seperate arrangement for Reading and Reference Section . The reference section includes Encyclopedias, Career , Competitive Oriented Books and Subject Wise Reference Books. Digital Library has been established with 10 computer systems having internet connection as a seperate section in the Library. We are celebrating NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK from 14-20 November in every year.
To impact quality education to learn and earn in sustained impulse.
- To inculcate academic excellence through innovative practices, self confidence and discipline through extracurricular activities.
- To create enthusiasm for self employment.
- To provide more hands on experience to students.
- To inculcate and develop an academic spirit that serves the demands of the industry needs.
- To develop B.V.Raju College (BVRC) as a center of Excellence in science.
- To deliver higher education standards that includes new methodologies to meet the global requirements.
- To apply professional expertise in moulding students.
- To train the students in life skills that are essential in fostering useful thoughts and employability prospects.
- To continuously upgrade the overall development of every student.