AQAR 2023-2024 Documents
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criterion 11.1.3 Teachers of Institution Participate in the Activities
.....1 Academic Council/BOS of Affiliating University Open
.....2 Setting of Question Papers for UG /PG Programs Open
.....3 Assessment / Evaluation Process of the Affiliating University Open
.....4 Practical Examiner for UG / PG Programs Open
.....5 Observer for UG / PG Programs of the Affiliating University Open
.....6 Design and Development of Curriculum for certificate/Add on /Diploma Courses Open
.....7 University Support
..........Sports Commite Open
..........Regional Co ordinator Open
criterion 11.4.1 Institution Obtains Feedback on the syllabus from State Holders at the Institution
.....1 Students Feedback
..........2023-24 Open
.....2 Teachers Feedback
..........2023-24 Open
.....3 Employer Feedback Open
.....4 Alumni Feedback
..........2023-24 Open
.....5 Parents Feedback
..........2023-24 Open
criterion 22.4.2 Average Percentage of Teachers with Ph.D during Last 5 Years Open
criterion 55.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives Open
.....1 Soft Skills
.....2 Language and Communication Skills
.....3 Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
.....4 ICT/computing skills
5.1.5 Institution has transparent mechanism for timely redressal of Grievances Open
criterion 66.3.2 Teachers Provided with Financial Support for Conferences , Workshops etc., Open
criterion 66.5.3 Quality Assurance Initiatives of the Institution
.....1 Regular Meetings of IQAC
..........IQAC Meeting Minutes 2023-24 Open
.....2 Collaborative Quality Initiatives with other Institutions
..........MOU's with Institutions / Organizations Open
..........MOU's Activities Open
..........State Level Symposium Condution
...............ASPIRE 2023 Open
.....3 Participation in NIRF
..........NIRF - RANK 2023-24 Open
.....5 FEEDBACK Analyzed by IQAC Open
.....6 NPTEL Local Chapter Open
.....7 Research Center Recognition Open
criterion 77 Institutional Values and Best Practicies
.....7.1.2 Institute Facilitates Alternate Energy Conservation Open
.....7.1.4 Water Conservation Facilities Available in the Institution Open
.....7.1.10 Code of Conduct Open
criterion 88 Library Gate Register 2023-24 Open
criterion 99 Library Expenditure bills Open
criterion 1010 Staff FDP, courses Open
criterion 1111 Celebration of commemorative days Open
criterion 1212 Best Practices Open
criterion 1313 Alumni Associations Open
criterion 14Alumni Activity Open
criterion 1515 Geo tagged photos of ICT rooms Open
criterion 1616 Seminars and workshops report Open
criterion 1717 College Organogram Open
criterion 1818 Policy Documents Open
..... Faculty Performance Appraisal Policy Open
..... E-Governance Policy Open
..... Recruitment Policy Open
..... Purchase Policy Open
..... Placement and Training Policy Open
..... Leave Rules Open
..... Research Policy Open
..... Strategic Plan Open
criterion 1919 Staff Research Publications
.....2023-24 Open
criterion 2020 Student Research Publications
.....2023-24 Open
criterion 2121 Student Offer Letters
.....2023-24 Open
criterion 2222 Student Internships
.....2023-24 Open
criterion 2323 Waste Management Open
criterion 2424 Student Satisfaction Survey Open
criterion 2525 Student Survey Report Open
criterion 2626 Students Data Open
criterion 2727 Program Outcomes Open